First Reading; Ezekiel 2:2-5
Son of man(benDOadam describes man in a generic sense). Ezekiel, addressed as son of man (benDOadam),is reminded of the fact that he is a member of the human race. It was through human channels that God purposed to convey His message of salvation to perishing souls. He could have employed other means ,but He desired to make man a sharer in the joys of unselfish ministry to others, and so He committed unto him the word of reconciliation (2 Cor 5:19). This task no man may shirk. Thus, to be addressed as a son of man is a call to personal or public ministry in ardent passion for creatures. Ezekiel is told to stand upon his feet. The vision of the glory of God had prostrated him. In the call to divine service the prophet is led first to feel his own weakness. Then divine power came and activated him,restoring him to physical strength and enabling him to receive the heavenly communication. The spirit entered into Ezekiel. Prophecy is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The call to prophetic office is not by personal choice but by divine appointment. Ezekiel’s message was to the exiles of Judah but also embraced the ten tribes of Israel. Israel is a rebellious nation.So low had Israel sunk in her willful departure from God that she who was to have been the royal nation ,the kingdom of priests is now addressed by the derogatory title heathen and that with the additional epithet rebellious. They are impudent (hard of face, obstinate, stubborn). The Lord was painting a grim picture of Israel’s depravity. The picture was not overdrawn as the prophet was soon to discover. Thus says the Lord: The charge to Ezekiel is the divine commission to every teacher of the word ,to every Expositor of truth. Gods word is not to be intermixed with human opinions. Private theories are fallible. Concerning divine matters, only those things that God has revealed can be definitely known as facts. All else is human opinion. With every wind of doctrine blowing and every species of interpretation abroad, men need the reassurance of a message backed by a Thus says the Lord God. Such a declaration is the voice of authority. Ezekiel needed such a warrant Judah’s doom was impending. His message came bearing the credentials from the highest authority. If they neglect to hear, they will acknowledge the justice of God and the adequacy of the grace offered them. The prophet bears divine credentials. The rebellious might openly mock the divine messenger but beneath the sneer of scorn would be deep-seated fear that the voice they were spurning was indeed the voice of God.

Second Reading

In the second reading, God saw fit to protect Paul against himself (lest I should be exalted). He has been given a bodily infirmity. The affliction was of Satan but permitted by God (Job). Satan’s purpose was to frustrate Paul’s work. Christ’s purpose in permitting the affliction was to protect Paul from pride. Paul had pleaded with God to remove this distressing affliction but the answer was clear he accepted the will of God for him. Compare the three times Christ prayed for the removal of the cup He was to drink and then accepted it as the will of God. He Said: the form of the Greek denotes the finality of God’s answer. God’s grace is sufficient (Gr. Chasis). God never promised to alter circumstances or release men from trouble. To Him,bodily infirmities and untoward circumstances are matters of secondary concern. Inward strength to endure is a far higher manifestation of the divine grace than mastery of the outward difficulties of life. Outwardly, a man may be torn,worn,wearied and almost broken, yet inwardly it is his privilege in Christ to enjoy perfect peace. Paul says he glories in his infirmities (boasts in his weaknesses). It is the mark of triumph to accept one’s limitations without resentment. To rejoice over that which one hates and desires to be rid of is the ultimate of surrender. Christ also shrank from the indignity, shame and ridicule. He was called upon to endure at His trial. Such resignation to the will of God means complete renunciation of self. That the power of Christ may dwell in me: Paul here speaks of the power of Christ descending upon him,working within him and giving him help and strength. I take pleasure: It pleased the Lord therefore it would please Paul also. God knew best and Paul was content that it should be so. For when I am weak then I am strong: the Christian paradox: distrust of self,surrender to the will of God. A man strong in his own strength tends to be self-reliant instead of relying on God,and often does not realize his need of divine grace. Only those whose weakness and insecurity have been completely submerged in the blessed will of God know what it is to possess true power.

The Gospel

Jesus,the Prophet, a source of scandal! After leaving Nazareth to take up His ministry, Jesus did not revisit it until He began His Galilean ministry. Jewish leaders and the townspeople of Nazareth are troubled by the infinitely superior intelligence, understanding and wisdom of Jesus in the synagogue. Had Jesus been to a rabbinic school? He speaks exousia (out of authority), not Philosophy or human rationalisation. He is the incarnate Word of God. Jesus did no mighty work among the Nazarenes because of lack of belief not by any lack of power on His part.His daily contacts with them testified to His perfection of character and this they had resented because it placed them in an unfavourable light. He is a ‘son of man’ (Ezekiel)…Mary,Joseph.


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