There are celibates in the church because of what Jesus said in our Gospel for today. In the world to come, the Savior specified, people will not marry or be given in marriage but will rather be like angels, experiencing a communion so intense and complete that even the richest communion here below will be as nothing. It is according to God’s providence, therefore, that there be certain people who, even now, live in accord with that eschatological hope. This is why the celibacy of priests and religious is a gift for the whole people of God.

Reflection by Bishop Robert Barron


The gospel of Mark is arguably the first gospel to be written. The first words in the gospel carry the message of the story: The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (Mark 1:1). The beginning… is akin to the opening words of the Bible in the book of Genesis, the creation account. This book, being the first gospel is by the same token talking about creation; new creation beginning with new obedient Adam: Jesus Christ. Gospel (good tidings) had also imperial nuances. When the kings won battles, they would send messengers to announce the good news. So, again, this is the story of a new king, announcing victory over dysfunction and death. Epistemologically the word Jesus comes from Yeshua/Joshua. This man who led Israelites to the promised land and conquered the enemies of Israel to establish them in the land.Christ derives from the Hebrew Meshiach ,the anointed one, like king David, Jesus’ kinsman, who established Israel and conquered her enemies. Jesus Christ is a Joshua figure and a David figure. Jesus is the Son of God not Caesar. Son of God was an imperial title because Caesar Augustus had been a nephew of another Caesar who had been deified, therefore he was the son of god. So, Mark is saying that Jesus is the real son of God, not Caesar. This first verse in the gospels is packed with all this information. Take your bible and revisi it.

Tuus in Christos

Paul Nzioki Mbatha.


This is a private association of Catholic men (18 years and above) who desire to form a secular institute of consecrated life in the Catholic church with the purpose of:

1. Community ie social and spiritual support. Mutual support and admonishing one another. (Proximate and Ultimate purpose)

2. Spirituality: The Baronian Tripartite rule,Spiritual Classics/reading, Spirituality of Prayer and Praise.

3. Mission eg Charity, Evangelization, Praise, Secular Work and Studies.

We desire to be servants of Christ crucified (Servi Christi)

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